2009年1月4日 星期日
2008年10月1日 星期三
2008年8月24日 星期日
財匯資訊提供,摘自:證券時報2008 / 08 / 23 星期六 11:42
2008 / 08 / 22 星期五 18:00 林佳萱
陽光免錢,幾乎沒有特殊限制,不產生溫室氣體,不被獨佔,不用花大錢探勘,沒有阿拉伯酋長、委內瑞拉總統Hugo Chavez或伊朗總統Mahmoud Ahmadinejad這種能源梟雄霸著場子頤指氣使,各種好處都擊敗了化石燃料。由於這些都快成真,現在市場上太陽能股票夯到不行,公開交易燒得火燙燙。
市場看好的人認為,美國在10年到15年內可以透過太陽能自行產生 10%的電力,甚至更樂觀者指出,去年出版的資料顯示美國在2050年就可以自己靠太陽能供應國內 69%的電力需求。
投資人的血汗錢可不能賭到2050年,現在大家都對 9月之後到2009年的行情浮現擔憂。短期內太陽能產業面臨麻煩的情況:美國政府對關鍵部門的補貼政策態度搖擺,大部分太陽能電池的原料矽晶圓(polysilicon)又價格下跌。如果打算長期投資而且資產配置得宜,的確有可能賺大錢,但不確定因素仍然存在。
2005年 9月19日《Barron's》曾經專文探討過太陽能產業的挑戰,現在產業前景又比當時的變數更多。當時被點名的幾支股票後來大漲 3倍,可是現在想獲得如此亮眼的收益就不那麼容易了。然而無論如何,太陽能族群還是充滿潛力。
商機也因此顯得十分誘人:一個幾乎未開發的 1兆美元市場。 Collins Stewart投資公司太陽能產業分析師Dan Ries表示:「投資太陽能的基本邏輯─如果價格能夠壓到合理水準,那麼需求量會大到非常非常驚人。一旦太陽能比其他能源更便宜,需求會超過這整個產業能提供的 100倍。」
綠能科技創投企業都非常看好太陽能產業,根據 Cleantech公司的研究,2007年有超過10億美元的資金投入太陽能新興企業,而且銀彈持續源源不絕,2008年才剛過一半,創投公司的資金已經又匯入10億美元。原因很明顯:當一個經濟體要從倚賴煤、石油或天然氣轉換到太陽能時,鉅額獲利潛藏其中。
關鍵點是「價格等位」(Grid Parity) ,意思是太陽能發電的成本要和購買傳統電力的費用打平,現在還未達到這個水準。不過,目前太陽能發電的價格已經有部分競爭能力,特別是在發電高成本地區的用電尖峰時刻(如正值 8月炎夏的夏威夷、南加州)。
太陽能產業目前仍然快速膨脹。Citibank(花旗銀行)的分析師Timothy Arcuri表示,今年全球太陽能光電(photovoltaic;PV)設備的發電量大幅成長 45%達到39億瓦,而預估2012年會再成長到 151億瓦。
目前全球兩個最大的太陽能市場在德國與西班牙,2008年這兩國總計貢獻了全球太陽能光電發電量的 66%。而這兩國都有實行「強制光伏上網電價(feed-in tariff)」政策,要求電力公司以 2倍於市場水準的價格支付給太陽能發電者。
其中一個,是美國國會今年再度試圖通過延長清潔能源的經濟補助法案(原本的補助到今年年底到期),可以提供太陽能發電設備 30%的稅務減免,但不幸失敗。一般認為對太陽能產業的補助之後仍會持續,然而必須等待新總統就任後才有可能進行。這段空窗期內,美國太陽能發電恐怕要停擺。
這個消息一傳出,對全球太陽能股票都是利空,許多個股從 6月初起已經下挫了超過 20%。
Merrill Lynch(美林)的分析師Mark Heller也在七月底一份報告中警告,看好太陽能產業的人恐怕要謹慎一點, 2007-2008年太陽能產業不見得比1998年網路公司集到更多資金。
Warns Heller表示,「現在存在一個問題,就是這些公司眼中只想著技術的長期獲利前景,完全忘了考慮中期的風險。這些中期風險例如充足的補貼沒有持續,以至於無法在太陽能發電成本還壓不下來時刺激需求。」
另外矽晶圓始終長期缺料,最近幾個月矽晶圓的現貨價格甚至高達每公斤 450美元之譜,跟幾年前每公斤不到 100元根本不能比。分析師Dan Ries表示,當矽晶圓價格拉到每公斤 250美元,生產矽晶圓實在非常有賺頭,因為實際生產生本每公斤不到30美元。
因此矽晶圓生產商被餵得飽飽的,像是MEMC Electronic Materials(WFR-US)、Wacker Chemie(WCH-DE),還有新加入搶食大餅的韓商 DC Chemical(010060-KR),這些公司今年獲利會比去年多上 3倍。
MEMC自從2005年被《Barron's》點名看好之後股價上揚 3倍,但最近的股價比去年高點還要差,因為投資人看到矽晶圓市場一陣混亂:預計2009年將會有大量矽晶圓供應湧現,價格將會暴跌,說不定幾年之後矽晶圓價格又會滑落為每公斤 100美元以下。
但這並非完全是太陽能公司的利多,Friedman Billings Ramsey分析師Mehdi Hosseini在最近的報告中主張,太陽能產業在2009年有能力生產90億瓦的太陽能電池,然而就算最好的情況下,需求也不會超過65億瓦。他預期價格會垂直滑落。
當價格下滑,太陽能產業的經濟結構會改變,政府補貼會消失。雖然太陽能電池製造商很努力想提高太陽能發電功率,但太陽能電池最後會變成一種「日用品商品」。市場將會發現,雖然太陽能設備顯現強勁的成長力道,但本益比卻沒有想像中高,與其說像Google或 Apple,還不如說像硬碟製造商 Seagate或記憶體製造商Micron。
加州投資銀行Boucher-Lensch的分析師 Charles Boucher建議,投資人好好抓住垂直整合的企業,比較不容易受到產業中任何單一原件成本波動的影響。因此,他認為製造產業中最高效率電池的公司SunPower(SPWR-US)不錯。從2005年首次公開募股到現在,該公司股票已經上漲180%。
他也很欣賞各國太陽能公司,包括Canadian Solar(CSIQ-US)、中國無錫尚德(STP-US)、天威英利(YGE-US)。如果一定要買美國企業,Akeena Solar(AKNS-US)是不錯的選擇,雖然美國國會沒有通過稅務補貼對該公司影響甚鉅。
Lehman分析師 Vishal Shah則決定反向操作購買MEMC的股票,他認為這支個股已經在矽晶圓價格滑落的情況下超跌。另外他也青睞First Solar(FSLR-US)這支目前企業規模最大且表現強勢的股票,這家公司不用矽晶圓來製造太陽能電池,而是全球唯一採碲化鎘(Cadmium. Telluride, CdTe)─下一代薄膜太陽能電池的公司。
可是分析師Dan Ries持不同看法: First Solar電池單位電力成本遠比其他矽晶圓電池的競爭對手低,那是因為以目前的矽晶圓高昂價格,「這是一場不公平的戰爭」,如果矽晶圓的價格滑落到每公斤70美元,「就輪到 First Solar這家公司坐立難安了」。
Vishal Shah 跟Dan Ries都很看好中國無錫尚德,這家中國最大太陽能企業在太陽能模組製造成本上有相當強的競爭優勢。
Vishal Shah 認為,生產太陽能電池的JA Solar(JASO-US)在沒有集資的情況下,產能可能會加倍。因為西班牙降低電量收購上限,他對以下企業的股票比較不看好,包括Canadian Solar、Solarfun Power(SOLF-US)、天威英利。不過他表示,如果西班牙補貼削減的幅度比想像中少,那這些個股可能會再反彈 50%。
陽光免錢,幾乎沒有特殊限制,不產生溫室氣體,不被獨佔,不用花大錢探勘,沒有阿拉伯酋長、委內瑞拉總統Hugo Chavez或伊朗總統Mahmoud Ahmadinejad這種能源梟雄霸著場子頤指氣使,各種好處都擊敗了化石燃料。由於這些都快成真,現在市場上太陽能股票夯到不行,公開交易燒得火燙燙。
市場看好的人認為,美國在10年到15年內可以透過太陽能自行產生 10%的電力,甚至更樂觀者指出,去年出版的資料顯示美國在2050年就可以自己靠太陽能供應國內 69%的電力需求。
投資人的血汗錢可不能賭到2050年,現在大家都對 9月之後到2009年的行情浮現擔憂。短期內太陽能產業面臨麻煩的情況:美國政府對關鍵部門的補貼政策態度搖擺,大部分太陽能電池的原料矽晶圓(polysilicon)又價格下跌。如果打算長期投資而且資產配置得宜,的確有可能賺大錢,但不確定因素仍然存在。
2005年 9月19日《Barron's》曾經專文探討過太陽能產業的挑戰,現在產業前景又比當時的變數更多。當時被點名的幾支股票後來大漲 3倍,可是現在想獲得如此亮眼的收益就不那麼容易了。然而無論如何,太陽能族群還是充滿潛力。
商機也因此顯得十分誘人:一個幾乎未開發的 1兆美元市場。 Collins Stewart投資公司太陽能產業分析師Dan Ries表示:「投資太陽能的基本邏輯─如果價格能夠壓到合理水準,那麼需求量會大到非常非常驚人。一旦太陽能比其他能源更便宜,需求會超過這整個產業能提供的 100倍。」
綠能科技創投企業都非常看好太陽能產業,根據 Cleantech公司的研究,2007年有超過10億美元的資金投入太陽能新興企業,而且銀彈持續源源不絕,2008年才剛過一半,創投公司的資金已經又匯入10億美元。原因很明顯:當一個經濟體要從倚賴煤、石油或天然氣轉換到太陽能時,鉅額獲利潛藏其中。
關鍵點是「價格等位」(Grid Parity) ,意思是太陽能發電的成本要和購買傳統電力的費用打平,現在還未達到這個水準。不過,目前太陽能發電的價格已經有部分競爭能力,特別是在發電高成本地區的用電尖峰時刻(如正值 8月炎夏的夏威夷、南加州)。
太陽能產業目前仍然快速膨脹。Citibank(花旗銀行)的分析師Timothy Arcuri表示,今年全球太陽能光電(photovoltaic;PV)設備的發電量大幅成長 45%達到39億瓦,而預估2012年會再成長到 151億瓦。
目前全球兩個最大的太陽能市場在德國與西班牙,2008年這兩國總計貢獻了全球太陽能光電發電量的 66%。而這兩國都有實行「強制光伏上網電價(feed-in tariff)」政策,要求電力公司以 2倍於市場水準的價格支付給太陽能發電者。
其中一個,是美國國會今年再度試圖通過延長清潔能源的經濟補助法案(原本的補助到今年年底到期),可以提供太陽能發電設備 30%的稅務減免,但不幸失敗。一般認為對太陽能產業的補助之後仍會持續,然而必須等待新總統就任後才有可能進行。這段空窗期內,美國太陽能發電恐怕要停擺。
這個消息一傳出,對全球太陽能股票都是利空,許多個股從 6月初起已經下挫了超過 20%。
Merrill Lynch(美林)的分析師Mark Heller也在七月底一份報告中警告,看好太陽能產業的人恐怕要謹慎一點, 2007-2008年太陽能產業不見得比1998年網路公司集到更多資金。
Warns Heller表示,「現在存在一個問題,就是這些公司眼中只想著技術的長期獲利前景,完全忘了考慮中期的風險。這些中期風險例如充足的補貼沒有持續,以至於無法在太陽能發電成本還壓不下來時刺激需求。」
另外矽晶圓始終長期缺料,最近幾個月矽晶圓的現貨價格甚至高達每公斤 450美元之譜,跟幾年前每公斤不到 100元根本不能比。分析師Dan Ries表示,當矽晶圓價格拉到每公斤 250美元,生產矽晶圓實在非常有賺頭,因為實際生產生本每公斤不到30美元。
因此矽晶圓生產商被餵得飽飽的,像是MEMC Electronic Materials(WFR-US)、Wacker Chemie(WCH-DE),還有新加入搶食大餅的韓商 DC Chemical(010060-KR),這些公司今年獲利會比去年多上 3倍。
MEMC自從2005年被《Barron's》點名看好之後股價上揚 3倍,但最近的股價比去年高點還要差,因為投資人看到矽晶圓市場一陣混亂:預計2009年將會有大量矽晶圓供應湧現,價格將會暴跌,說不定幾年之後矽晶圓價格又會滑落為每公斤 100美元以下。
但這並非完全是太陽能公司的利多,Friedman Billings Ramsey分析師Mehdi Hosseini在最近的報告中主張,太陽能產業在2009年有能力生產90億瓦的太陽能電池,然而就算最好的情況下,需求也不會超過65億瓦。他預期價格會垂直滑落。
當價格下滑,太陽能產業的經濟結構會改變,政府補貼會消失。雖然太陽能電池製造商很努力想提高太陽能發電功率,但太陽能電池最後會變成一種「日用品商品」。市場將會發現,雖然太陽能設備顯現強勁的成長力道,但本益比卻沒有想像中高,與其說像Google或 Apple,還不如說像硬碟製造商 Seagate或記憶體製造商Micron。
加州投資銀行Boucher-Lensch的分析師 Charles Boucher建議,投資人好好抓住垂直整合的企業,比較不容易受到產業中任何單一原件成本波動的影響。因此,他認為製造產業中最高效率電池的公司SunPower(SPWR-US)不錯。從2005年首次公開募股到現在,該公司股票已經上漲180%。
他也很欣賞各國太陽能公司,包括Canadian Solar(CSIQ-US)、中國無錫尚德(STP-US)、天威英利(YGE-US)。如果一定要買美國企業,Akeena Solar(AKNS-US)是不錯的選擇,雖然美國國會沒有通過稅務補貼對該公司影響甚鉅。
Lehman分析師 Vishal Shah則決定反向操作購買MEMC的股票,他認為這支個股已經在矽晶圓價格滑落的情況下超跌。另外他也青睞First Solar(FSLR-US)這支目前企業規模最大且表現強勢的股票,這家公司不用矽晶圓來製造太陽能電池,而是全球唯一採碲化鎘(Cadmium. Telluride, CdTe)─下一代薄膜太陽能電池的公司。
可是分析師Dan Ries持不同看法: First Solar電池單位電力成本遠比其他矽晶圓電池的競爭對手低,那是因為以目前的矽晶圓高昂價格,「這是一場不公平的戰爭」,如果矽晶圓的價格滑落到每公斤70美元,「就輪到 First Solar這家公司坐立難安了」。
Vishal Shah 跟Dan Ries都很看好中國無錫尚德,這家中國最大太陽能企業在太陽能模組製造成本上有相當強的競爭優勢。
Vishal Shah 認為,生產太陽能電池的JA Solar(JASO-US)在沒有集資的情況下,產能可能會加倍。因為西班牙降低電量收購上限,他對以下企業的股票比較不看好,包括Canadian Solar、Solarfun Power(SOLF-US)、天威英利。不過他表示,如果西班牙補貼削減的幅度比想像中少,那這些個股可能會再反彈 50%。
2008年8月6日 星期三
U.Va. Team Developing Black Solar Cells for a Greener Future
Aug. 4, 2008
Solar cells of the future may look totally black to the human eye because they absorb light so efficiently. That's the promise of new research from an interdisciplinary team at the University of Virginia being funded by a new U.Va. Collaborative Sustainable Energy Seed Grant worth about $30,000.While current solar cells reflect about 30 percent of the light energy that reaches their surface, the U.Va. team will use lasers to create tiny nanoscale surface textures that reduce that energy loss to less than 1 percent, over the entire solar spectrum and irrespective of the angle at which sunlight strikes the cell.While increasing the ultimate efficiency of solar cells, this laser texturing process could also drive down manufacturing costs. Because lasers are already used in the manufacturing of solar cells, the texturing process can be automated, eliminating the need for dangerous chemical treatments currently used to reduce reflectance.Team member Mool C. Gupta, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, developed this laser texturing process, patented through the U.Va. Patent Foundation. The resulting texture of 'nanospikes,' said Gupta, is like the sand on sandpaper — the added hills and valleys greatly increase the surface area and reduce the reflection of light. However, the 'nanospikes' are many times smaller than the sand of sandpaper (nanospikes range in height from 10 to 100 millionths of a meter) and are more precisely shaped.The 30 percent gain in light absorption from the nanospike surface may enable the creation of solar cells that are ultimately 2 percent to 3 percent more efficient than current technology, Gupta said. That may not sound like much, but "in the solar industry a 1 percent efficiency improvement is a big deal," noted Gupta, who is also the director of the National Science Foundation's Laser Industry/University Cooperative Research Center. "I'll be happy if we can get 2 to 3 percent more efficiency."Such incremental gains in efficiency and reduced manufacturing cost are helping drive the rapid growth of solar energy, a market that is growing about 40 percent per year in recent years, spurred in part by rising oil prices, Gupta said.Even with such rapid growth, solar power still only accounts for a tiny fraction of the world energy supply. "It's not like solar is trying to take the place of oil," Gupta said. "But if, in 20 to 30 years, solar can provide 5 to 10 percent of the world energy supply, then solar would be a huge industry – bigger than the entire microelectronics industry," which includes all the computer chips in today's cars, phones, appliances and buildings, as well as the chips in computers.Gupta's U.Va. partners in this research are Keith Williams, an assistant professor of physics with expertise in measuring the characteristics of surfaces, and Joe Campbell, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, member of the National Academy of Engineering and an expert in optics and electronics fabrication.Gupta's team will use the research results enabled by this seed grant to create a better application for larger grants from the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. "It's important to have some initial data to demonstrate the promise of the research, beyond just a theory," said Gupta, who hopes that his tiny 'nanospikes' can be a part of the solutions to the grave energy issues of our time. "The scientific community really needs to gear up to address energy issues that have a big impact on our society."
Aug. 4, 2008
Solar cells of the future may look totally black to the human eye because they absorb light so efficiently. That's the promise of new research from an interdisciplinary team at the University of Virginia being funded by a new U.Va. Collaborative Sustainable Energy Seed Grant worth about $30,000.While current solar cells reflect about 30 percent of the light energy that reaches their surface, the U.Va. team will use lasers to create tiny nanoscale surface textures that reduce that energy loss to less than 1 percent, over the entire solar spectrum and irrespective of the angle at which sunlight strikes the cell.While increasing the ultimate efficiency of solar cells, this laser texturing process could also drive down manufacturing costs. Because lasers are already used in the manufacturing of solar cells, the texturing process can be automated, eliminating the need for dangerous chemical treatments currently used to reduce reflectance.Team member Mool C. Gupta, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, developed this laser texturing process, patented through the U.Va. Patent Foundation. The resulting texture of 'nanospikes,' said Gupta, is like the sand on sandpaper — the added hills and valleys greatly increase the surface area and reduce the reflection of light. However, the 'nanospikes' are many times smaller than the sand of sandpaper (nanospikes range in height from 10 to 100 millionths of a meter) and are more precisely shaped.The 30 percent gain in light absorption from the nanospike surface may enable the creation of solar cells that are ultimately 2 percent to 3 percent more efficient than current technology, Gupta said. That may not sound like much, but "in the solar industry a 1 percent efficiency improvement is a big deal," noted Gupta, who is also the director of the National Science Foundation's Laser Industry/University Cooperative Research Center. "I'll be happy if we can get 2 to 3 percent more efficiency."Such incremental gains in efficiency and reduced manufacturing cost are helping drive the rapid growth of solar energy, a market that is growing about 40 percent per year in recent years, spurred in part by rising oil prices, Gupta said.Even with such rapid growth, solar power still only accounts for a tiny fraction of the world energy supply. "It's not like solar is trying to take the place of oil," Gupta said. "But if, in 20 to 30 years, solar can provide 5 to 10 percent of the world energy supply, then solar would be a huge industry – bigger than the entire microelectronics industry," which includes all the computer chips in today's cars, phones, appliances and buildings, as well as the chips in computers.Gupta's U.Va. partners in this research are Keith Williams, an assistant professor of physics with expertise in measuring the characteristics of surfaces, and Joe Campbell, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, member of the National Academy of Engineering and an expert in optics and electronics fabrication.Gupta's team will use the research results enabled by this seed grant to create a better application for larger grants from the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. "It's important to have some initial data to demonstrate the promise of the research, beyond just a theory," said Gupta, who hopes that his tiny 'nanospikes' can be a part of the solutions to the grave energy issues of our time. "The scientific community really needs to gear up to address energy issues that have a big impact on our society."
2008年7月29日 星期二
Novel industrial approaches in solar-cell production






Scribing is required to obtain a monolithic series connection of modules.6 This essential technology has both allowed economically feasible solar-cell production and enabled the strong growth market for thin-film photovoltaic applications. Thin-film solar cells can be made using different material combinations. The substrate can either be glass, plastic foil, or metal foil. Generally, the cell itself consists of a back contact, a front-contact layer, and an absorber material in between. For the contacts, transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) or metals are used. Commonly used absorber materials include silicon, cadmium telluride, copper-indium di-selenide (CIS), and other combinations with copper indium, such as CIGS or CIGSSe. The layers are typically up to several microns thick. In Figure 4, a thin-film solar-cell cross-section is shown. Common referencing to the laser processes includes ‘patterning 1’ or P1 for the first contact, P2 for the absorber, and P3 for the second contact.
Thin-film solar-cell scribing is, in essence, based on the different transmissivities of the film materials at the laser wavelengths used. The deposition and scribing processes are shown schematically in Figure 5. The first TCO layer deposited can be zinc oxide, tin dioxide, or indium-tin oxide. Usually, when glass is used as the substrate, scribing is done from the glass side. An example is shown in Figure 6. Silicon as the absorber material is usually scribed with a laser wavelength of 532nm. For this setup, TCO is transparent, and silicon absorbs radiation in a thin layer. Scribing of the third layer can be done using the same laser wavelength as for the absorber. In this case, the second absorption layer is also removed. This is not necessary, but it does not affect the solar-cell function either.
In summary, the role of laser technology in the solar photovoltaic industry is gaining importance. Laser applications enable economic and technical feasibility of new design concepts. To achieve the required performance quality in acceptably short processing times, further technological system development is necessary. Both system and process development of newly emerging laser sources and their applications are the subject of future research at our institute.
Aart Schoonderbeek and Andreas Ostendorf

Laser technology applications are indispensable in the photovoltaic industry, allowing both enhanced energy-generating efficiency and reduced costs.
The photovoltaic industry has experienced enormous growth in recent years. However, for solar-cell technology to become competitive in the long term, both an increase in energy-generating efficiency and a reduction in production costs is required. Several laser applications for solar-cell production are shown in Figure 1, of which three—hole drilling for back-contacted solar cells, silicon dioxide (SiO2) removal for making grooves, and scribing of thin-film cells—are described here in more detail.
Hole drilling for back-contacted cells
Laser drilling is a key technology used in many new back-contact solar-cell production concepts because alternative economically feasible drilling processes are not yet available.1–4 Square 6in-wide (156×156mm2) and 250μm−thin wafers are standard in industry. Common industrial photovoltaic cells have a screen-printed contact layer on the front, which blocks 5–7% of the incoming light by shadowing. To overcome this performance degradation, many new cell concepts are being developed, usually with the emitter contact either completely or partially on the rear. This results in higher cell efficiencies for energy generation. For these emitter wrap-through (EWT) cells, laser drilling is the only suitable method to create the necessary holes from the front to the back. Typically, a drilling efficacy of 15,000 80μm-diameter holes is required.1 Figure 2 shows a typical hole. Up to several thousand holes can be drilled per second.
Laser drilling is a key technology used in many new back-contact solar-cell production concepts because alternative economically feasible drilling processes are not yet available.1–4 Square 6in-wide (156×156mm2) and 250μm−thin wafers are standard in industry. Common industrial photovoltaic cells have a screen-printed contact layer on the front, which blocks 5–7% of the incoming light by shadowing. To overcome this performance degradation, many new cell concepts are being developed, usually with the emitter contact either completely or partially on the rear. This results in higher cell efficiencies for energy generation. For these emitter wrap-through (EWT) cells, laser drilling is the only suitable method to create the necessary holes from the front to the back. Typically, a drilling efficacy of 15,000 80μm-diameter holes is required.1 Figure 2 shows a typical hole. Up to several thousand holes can be drilled per second.

Figure 1. Laser applications for solar-cell production: hole drilling of back-contact solar cells, SiO2 removal for groove production, laser welding/soldering of contacts, edge isolation, wafer cutting, removal of dielectric layers for improved contact performance, texturing to increase the absorption of sunlight and therefore to enhance the efficiency of the cell, scribing of thin-film cells, and edge deletion.

Figure 2. A typical hole drilled with a pulsed-fiber laser, characterized by a burst of 20 pulses and a pulse energy of 1mJ (after etching). A human hair illustrates the small diameter of the holes.
SiO2 removal for grooves
For wafer-based solar cells, grooves are used in several novel designs.1,5 Grooves typically have a depth of up to several tens of microns. The groove is obtained in two steps. First, a barrier layer, such as SiO2 or silicon nitride (SiNx), is removed using a laser beam. Subsequently, a chemical etching process is applied to remove the laser-damaged silicon and to obtain the desired depth. The residual SiO2 or SiNx layer functions as a barrier during the etching process. Figure 3 shows a typical groove result.
For wafer-based solar cells, grooves are used in several novel designs.1,5 Grooves typically have a depth of up to several tens of microns. The groove is obtained in two steps. First, a barrier layer, such as SiO2 or silicon nitride (SiNx), is removed using a laser beam. Subsequently, a chemical etching process is applied to remove the laser-damaged silicon and to obtain the desired depth. The residual SiO2 or SiNx layer functions as a barrier during the etching process. Figure 3 shows a typical groove result.

Figure 3. Groove processed with an excimer laser at a wavelength of 248nm. The rectangular laser spot is shown in the processed area. The groove depth is about 20μm. The laser-processed surface is smooth after chemical etching, and does not contain any debris.

Figure 4. Cross-section of a thin-film solar cell (not to scale). The layers are typically up to several microns thick. The different layers, P1–P3 (transparent conductive oxides or absorber material), are successively deposited and scribed during the production process. The current flow is shown by the arrows.

Figure 5. Deposition and scribing for a thin-film solar cell. (1) Substrate, (2) TCO deposition, (3) P1 TCO scribing, (4) absorber deposition, (5) P2 absorber scribing, (6) TCO deposition, and (7): P3 TCO scribing.Scribing of thin-film cells
Scribing is required to obtain a monolithic series connection of modules.6 This essential technology has both allowed economically feasible solar-cell production and enabled the strong growth market for thin-film photovoltaic applications. Thin-film solar cells can be made using different material combinations. The substrate can either be glass, plastic foil, or metal foil. Generally, the cell itself consists of a back contact, a front-contact layer, and an absorber material in between. For the contacts, transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) or metals are used. Commonly used absorber materials include silicon, cadmium telluride, copper-indium di-selenide (CIS), and other combinations with copper indium, such as CIGS or CIGSSe. The layers are typically up to several microns thick. In Figure 4, a thin-film solar-cell cross-section is shown. Common referencing to the laser processes includes ‘patterning 1’ or P1 for the first contact, P2 for the absorber, and P3 for the second contact.
Thin-film solar-cell scribing is, in essence, based on the different transmissivities of the film materials at the laser wavelengths used. The deposition and scribing processes are shown schematically in Figure 5. The first TCO layer deposited can be zinc oxide, tin dioxide, or indium-tin oxide. Usually, when glass is used as the substrate, scribing is done from the glass side. An example is shown in Figure 6. Silicon as the absorber material is usually scribed with a laser wavelength of 532nm. For this setup, TCO is transparent, and silicon absorbs radiation in a thin layer. Scribing of the third layer can be done using the same laser wavelength as for the absorber. In this case, the second absorption layer is also removed. This is not necessary, but it does not affect the solar-cell function either.

Figure 6. Example of TCO scribing of P1 with a diode-pumped solid-state laser at a wavelength of 1047nm.
In summary, the role of laser technology in the solar photovoltaic industry is gaining importance. Laser applications enable economic and technical feasibility of new design concepts. To achieve the required performance quality in acceptably short processing times, further technological system development is necessary. Both system and process development of newly emerging laser sources and their applications are the subject of future research at our institute.
About Writer
Aart Schoonderbeek
Production and Systems Department
Technologies for Non-Metals Group
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
Hannover, Germany
Aart Schoonderbeek obtained his PhD at the Netherlands Center for Laser Research in 2005, supported by the chairs of Applied Laser Technology and of Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics, both at the University of Twente (Netherlands). He was subsequently employed as a research scientist at the Laser Zentrum Hannover. He works on process technologies for nonmetals, concentrating on laser processing of glass and silicon.
Production and Systems Department
Technologies for Non-Metals Group
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
Hannover, Germany
Aart Schoonderbeek obtained his PhD at the Netherlands Center for Laser Research in 2005, supported by the chairs of Applied Laser Technology and of Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics, both at the University of Twente (Netherlands). He was subsequently employed as a research scientist at the Laser Zentrum Hannover. He works on process technologies for nonmetals, concentrating on laser processing of glass and silicon.
1. P. Engelhart, A. Teppe, A. Merkle, R. Grischke, R. Meyer, N.-P. Harder, R. Brendel, The RISE-EWT solar cell: new approach towards simple high efficiency silicon solar cells, Proc. 15th PVSEC, pp. 802-803, 2005.
2. J. M. Gee, W. K. Schubert, P. A. Basore, Emitter wrap-through solar cell, Proc. 23rd IEEE Photovolt. Specialists Conf., pp. 265-270, 1993.
3. F. Clement, M. Lutsch, T. Kubera, M. Kasemann, W. Kwapil, C. Harmel, N. Mingirulli, D. Erath, H. Wirth, D. Biro, R. Preu, Processing and comprehensive characterisation of screen-printed mc-Si Metal Wrap Through (MWT) solar cells, Proc. 22nd EU-PVSEC, pp. 1399-1402, 2007.
4. I. Romijn, M. Lamers, A. Stassen, A. Mewe, M. Koppes, E. Kossen, A. Weeber, ASPIRE: a new industrial MWT cell technology enabling high efficiencies on thin and large mc-Si wafers, Proc. 22nd EU-PVSEC, pp. 1043-1049, 2007.
5. K. C. Heasman, A. Cole, M. Brown, S. Roberts, S. Devenport, I. Baistow, T. M. Bruton, Process development of laser grooved buried contact solar cells for use at concentration factors up to 100x, Proc. 22nd EU-PVSEC, pp. 1511-1512, 2007.
6. S. Haas, A. Gordijn, H. Stiebig, High speed laser processing for monolithical series connection of silicon thin-film modules, Progr. Photovolt., pp. 195-203, 2007. doi:10.1002/pip.792
1. P. Engelhart, A. Teppe, A. Merkle, R. Grischke, R. Meyer, N.-P. Harder, R. Brendel, The RISE-EWT solar cell: new approach towards simple high efficiency silicon solar cells, Proc. 15th PVSEC, pp. 802-803, 2005.
2. J. M. Gee, W. K. Schubert, P. A. Basore, Emitter wrap-through solar cell, Proc. 23rd IEEE Photovolt. Specialists Conf., pp. 265-270, 1993.
3. F. Clement, M. Lutsch, T. Kubera, M. Kasemann, W. Kwapil, C. Harmel, N. Mingirulli, D. Erath, H. Wirth, D. Biro, R. Preu, Processing and comprehensive characterisation of screen-printed mc-Si Metal Wrap Through (MWT) solar cells, Proc. 22nd EU-PVSEC, pp. 1399-1402, 2007.
4. I. Romijn, M. Lamers, A. Stassen, A. Mewe, M. Koppes, E. Kossen, A. Weeber, ASPIRE: a new industrial MWT cell technology enabling high efficiencies on thin and large mc-Si wafers, Proc. 22nd EU-PVSEC, pp. 1043-1049, 2007.
5. K. C. Heasman, A. Cole, M. Brown, S. Roberts, S. Devenport, I. Baistow, T. M. Bruton, Process development of laser grooved buried contact solar cells for use at concentration factors up to 100x, Proc. 22nd EU-PVSEC, pp. 1511-1512, 2007.
6. S. Haas, A. Gordijn, H. Stiebig, High speed laser processing for monolithical series connection of silicon thin-film modules, Progr. Photovolt., pp. 195-203, 2007. doi:10.1002/pip.792
A cool light bulb
Shawn-Yu Lin and Yong-Sung Kim

A photonic band-pass filter enclosing the filament recycles infrared emissions, reducing temperature and producing an eight-fold increase in energy efficiency.
Since the time of Thomas Edison, incandescent light bulbs have been the dominant light source for illumination. Today, incandescent bulbs still hold crucial advantages. They produce a warm white light and can be dimmed easily using inexpensive controls. They have a relatively inexpensive first-cost per lumen, a long-established infrastructure, and do not contain hazardous materials such as mercury. However, because of their relatively low energy efficiency, incandescent bulbs are being replaced rapidly in many areas. It is time to re-visit the fundamental limit of the incandescent bulb and to improve its efficiency.
Incandescent bulbs emit light in a manner closely resembling Plank's law of blackbody radiation. The law describes how a body capable of absorbing all radiation contacting it (a blackbody) will emit at a given range of wavelengths dependant on its temperature. The inefficiency inherent in an incandescent bulb is due to the fact that it emits both infrared and visible light at temperatures between 2000 and 3000K. Specifically, the infrared portion of the radiation consumes about 88% of the input electric energy and becomes wasted heat (see Figure 1). Hence, recycling infrared light into useful visible light would improve incandescent efficiency.

Figure 1. A blackbody radiation curve at T=2800K, which is a typical operating temperature of a 100W incandescent bulb. Approximately 88% of the light is emitted in the infrared region. BB: blackbody.
Recycling processes have previously been developed in the form of reflecting envelopes using either a dielectric metal film stack1,2 or a dielectric multi-layered film.3 However, for both structures the reflectance in the near-infrared region is not high enough to bounce back all the infrared light. To overcome these limitations, we employed a two-dimensional metallic photonic band gap (PBG) filter architecture to enclose the incandescent filament. The filter acts as a perfect transmitter for the useful visible light and a perfect reflector for the undesirable infrared light. The reflected light is re-absorbed which, in turn, helps to heat up the filament. This infrared recycling process has two major energy consequences. First, it reduces the amount of electricity required to maintain a hot filament and thus improves electric-to-optical conversion efficiency. Second, it reduces the thermal radiation of the bulb as infrared photons cannot escape. With this approach, the energy efficacy of an incandescent light bulb can be improved by as much as eight times. Accordingly, the cost of a million-lumen-hour is reduced to $1.00–$2.00. We used silver as the metallic material because it has a low intrinsic absorption in the visible and near infrared wavelengths. The low absorption of silver is key to simultaneously achieving a high transmittance in the visible and a high reflectance in the infrared regions. A metallic PBG filter is also more practical to use as it is robust against thermal stress at high temperatures.

Figure 2. (a) The photon recycling scheme. (b) Schematic of the 2D metallic photonic crystal where 'a' is the pitch, 'd' is the size of the air opening, 'w' is the bar width, and 'h' is the thickness. Silver is used as the metal due to its low absorption in the visible and near infrared wavelengths. rf: radius of the filter. rb: radius of the blackbody filament, here a sphere.
To illustrate the validity of our approach, we have employed an ideal system that has a spherical blackbody filament enclosed by the filter: see Figure 2(a). The maximum luminous efficacy reaches 125lm/W. The details of the calculation were reported recently.4 For general purpose illumination, not only the efficiency but also the color quality is important in evaluating a bulb. The color quality of a bulb is commonly characterized by the correlated color temperature (CCT), used to categorize color tone, and the color rendering index (CRI), which measures the ability of a bulb to reproduce the true color of objects. If the CCT is lower than 3300K the color is categorized as a warm tone, whereas if the CCT is higher than 5300K the color is categorized as a cool tone. The CCT of our incandescent bulb did not exceed 3500K, indicating the filtered light is in the desired warm range. The CRI has a range between 0 and 100, with 0 being the minimum and 100 being the maximum color rendering capability. The color rendering index of our new light bulb is calculated to be between 68 and 90, better than that of a standard fluorescent lamp with a CRI of approximately 60.
Photon recycling via a metallic PBG filter is a promising new route to creating a ‘cool’ light bulb. Our next step is to study a cylindrical filter geometry that is comparable to the commonly used tungsten-filament configuration.
We would like to acknowledge the financial support of DOE-BES under grant number DE-FG02-06ER46347
About Writer
Shawn-Yu Lin, Yong-Sung Kim
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY
Shawn-Yu Lin is an institute constellation professor and professor of physics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His expertise is in the interaction of light with hierarchy nanostructure. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, a fellow of the Optical Society of America, and a distinguished member-of-technical-staff at Sandia National Laboratories
Yong Sung Kim specializes in electromagnetic wave modeling of three-dimensional photonic crystal structures including finite difference time domain, dispersion calculation and transfer matrix methods.
1. J. Brett, R. Fontana, P. Walsh, S. Spura, L. Parascandola, Development of high energy-conserving incandescent lamps, J., J. Illuminating Eng. Soc. 214, pp. 93, 1980.
2. R. Fontanta, I. Goldstein, L. Thorington, R. Howson, The design, construction and performance of an incandescent light source with a transparent heat mirror, Lighting Tech. 18, pp. 93, 1986.
3. R. Bergman, T. Parham, Application of thin film reflecting coating technology to tungsten filament lamps, IEE Proceedings-A 140, pp. 418, 1993.
4. Y. S. Kim, S. Y. Lin, A. Chang, J. H. Lee, K. M. Ho, Analysis of photon recycling using metallic photonic crystal, J. Appl. Phys. 102, pp. 063107, 2007.doi:10.1063/1.2779271
Shawn-Yu Lin and Yong-Sung Kim

A photonic band-pass filter enclosing the filament recycles infrared emissions, reducing temperature and producing an eight-fold increase in energy efficiency.
Since the time of Thomas Edison, incandescent light bulbs have been the dominant light source for illumination. Today, incandescent bulbs still hold crucial advantages. They produce a warm white light and can be dimmed easily using inexpensive controls. They have a relatively inexpensive first-cost per lumen, a long-established infrastructure, and do not contain hazardous materials such as mercury. However, because of their relatively low energy efficiency, incandescent bulbs are being replaced rapidly in many areas. It is time to re-visit the fundamental limit of the incandescent bulb and to improve its efficiency.
Incandescent bulbs emit light in a manner closely resembling Plank's law of blackbody radiation. The law describes how a body capable of absorbing all radiation contacting it (a blackbody) will emit at a given range of wavelengths dependant on its temperature. The inefficiency inherent in an incandescent bulb is due to the fact that it emits both infrared and visible light at temperatures between 2000 and 3000K. Specifically, the infrared portion of the radiation consumes about 88% of the input electric energy and becomes wasted heat (see Figure 1). Hence, recycling infrared light into useful visible light would improve incandescent efficiency.

Figure 1. A blackbody radiation curve at T=2800K, which is a typical operating temperature of a 100W incandescent bulb. Approximately 88% of the light is emitted in the infrared region. BB: blackbody.
Recycling processes have previously been developed in the form of reflecting envelopes using either a dielectric metal film stack1,2 or a dielectric multi-layered film.3 However, for both structures the reflectance in the near-infrared region is not high enough to bounce back all the infrared light. To overcome these limitations, we employed a two-dimensional metallic photonic band gap (PBG) filter architecture to enclose the incandescent filament. The filter acts as a perfect transmitter for the useful visible light and a perfect reflector for the undesirable infrared light. The reflected light is re-absorbed which, in turn, helps to heat up the filament. This infrared recycling process has two major energy consequences. First, it reduces the amount of electricity required to maintain a hot filament and thus improves electric-to-optical conversion efficiency. Second, it reduces the thermal radiation of the bulb as infrared photons cannot escape. With this approach, the energy efficacy of an incandescent light bulb can be improved by as much as eight times. Accordingly, the cost of a million-lumen-hour is reduced to $1.00–$2.00. We used silver as the metallic material because it has a low intrinsic absorption in the visible and near infrared wavelengths. The low absorption of silver is key to simultaneously achieving a high transmittance in the visible and a high reflectance in the infrared regions. A metallic PBG filter is also more practical to use as it is robust against thermal stress at high temperatures.

Figure 2. (a) The photon recycling scheme. (b) Schematic of the 2D metallic photonic crystal where 'a' is the pitch, 'd' is the size of the air opening, 'w' is the bar width, and 'h' is the thickness. Silver is used as the metal due to its low absorption in the visible and near infrared wavelengths. rf: radius of the filter. rb: radius of the blackbody filament, here a sphere.
To illustrate the validity of our approach, we have employed an ideal system that has a spherical blackbody filament enclosed by the filter: see Figure 2(a). The maximum luminous efficacy reaches 125lm/W. The details of the calculation were reported recently.4 For general purpose illumination, not only the efficiency but also the color quality is important in evaluating a bulb. The color quality of a bulb is commonly characterized by the correlated color temperature (CCT), used to categorize color tone, and the color rendering index (CRI), which measures the ability of a bulb to reproduce the true color of objects. If the CCT is lower than 3300K the color is categorized as a warm tone, whereas if the CCT is higher than 5300K the color is categorized as a cool tone. The CCT of our incandescent bulb did not exceed 3500K, indicating the filtered light is in the desired warm range. The CRI has a range between 0 and 100, with 0 being the minimum and 100 being the maximum color rendering capability. The color rendering index of our new light bulb is calculated to be between 68 and 90, better than that of a standard fluorescent lamp with a CRI of approximately 60.
Photon recycling via a metallic PBG filter is a promising new route to creating a ‘cool’ light bulb. Our next step is to study a cylindrical filter geometry that is comparable to the commonly used tungsten-filament configuration.
We would like to acknowledge the financial support of DOE-BES under grant number DE-FG02-06ER46347
About Writer
Shawn-Yu Lin, Yong-Sung Kim
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY
Shawn-Yu Lin is an institute constellation professor and professor of physics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His expertise is in the interaction of light with hierarchy nanostructure. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, a fellow of the Optical Society of America, and a distinguished member-of-technical-staff at Sandia National Laboratories
Yong Sung Kim specializes in electromagnetic wave modeling of three-dimensional photonic crystal structures including finite difference time domain, dispersion calculation and transfer matrix methods.
1. J. Brett, R. Fontana, P. Walsh, S. Spura, L. Parascandola, Development of high energy-conserving incandescent lamps, J., J. Illuminating Eng. Soc. 214, pp. 93, 1980.
2. R. Fontanta, I. Goldstein, L. Thorington, R. Howson, The design, construction and performance of an incandescent light source with a transparent heat mirror, Lighting Tech. 18, pp. 93, 1986.
3. R. Bergman, T. Parham, Application of thin film reflecting coating technology to tungsten filament lamps, IEE Proceedings-A 140, pp. 418, 1993.
4. Y. S. Kim, S. Y. Lin, A. Chang, J. H. Lee, K. M. Ho, Analysis of photon recycling using metallic photonic crystal, J. Appl. Phys. 102, pp. 063107, 2007.doi:10.1063/1.2779271
2008年7月27日 星期日
Self-Assembling Crystals Could Produce Better Optical Materials
Posted on: Friday, 27 June 2008, 06:02 CDT
By Shelley, Suzanne
MATERIALS Chemical engineers have developed a "self-assembling" method that could allow optical devices to be made less expensively than conventional processes, which require complex etching and other techniques common in the semiconductor industry.
The method, developed at Purdue Univ., works by positioning tiny particles onto a silicon template containing precisely spaced holes that are about one one-hundredth the width of a human hair. To produce the singlelayer structure, the engineers used Langmuir- Blodgett monolayer deposition, a standard technique used in physical chemistry, primarily to create lipid membranes for research.
The template is immersed in water in a trough-like vessel where a layer of particles has formed at the surface. As the template is pulled vertically out of the trough, the partides are pushed into the template holes by capillary force, the same phenomenon that causes water to rise to a higher level in a tube placed in a pool of water. It is critical for the particles to be spaced properly prior to the Langmuir-Blodgett deposition so that water can draw the particles into the holes in the template using capillary force, explains You-Yeon Won, an assistant professor of chemical engineering.
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The researchers have used the technique to create a "nearly perfect two-dimensional colloidal crystal," or a precisely ordered layer of particles, which is a critical step toward growing three- dimensional crystals for use in optical technologies.
"Making the first layer is very difficult, so we have taken an important step in the right direction," Won says. "Creating three- dimensional structures poses a big challenge, but I think it's feasible."
The single-layer structures might be used to form micro lenses to improve the performance of optical equipment, such as cameras and scientific instruments, or to control the color and other optical properties of materials for consumer products. More importantly, the technique could be used to create "omni-directional photonic band- gap materials," which would dramatically improve the performance of optical fibers, the researchers say. Omni-directional coatings would increase the amount of light transmitted by fiber-optics, and could possibly be used in future sensor technology and in optical computers and circuits that use light instead of electronic signals to process information.
The Purdue engineers are now investigating the creation of three- dimensional crystals from the two-dimensional structures. Currently, omni-directional materials are prohibitively expensive to manufacture.
A scanning electron microscopy photo shows a side-by-side comparison between Purdue's structure (right) and a structure that results when a template is not used. Photo courtesy of Y. Won and J. Hur.
Copyright American Institute of Chemical Engineers Jun 2008
(c) 2008 Chemical Engineering Progress. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.
Source: Chemical Engineering Progress
By Shelley, Suzanne
MATERIALS Chemical engineers have developed a "self-assembling" method that could allow optical devices to be made less expensively than conventional processes, which require complex etching and other techniques common in the semiconductor industry.
The method, developed at Purdue Univ., works by positioning tiny particles onto a silicon template containing precisely spaced holes that are about one one-hundredth the width of a human hair. To produce the singlelayer structure, the engineers used Langmuir- Blodgett monolayer deposition, a standard technique used in physical chemistry, primarily to create lipid membranes for research.
The template is immersed in water in a trough-like vessel where a layer of particles has formed at the surface. As the template is pulled vertically out of the trough, the partides are pushed into the template holes by capillary force, the same phenomenon that causes water to rise to a higher level in a tube placed in a pool of water. It is critical for the particles to be spaced properly prior to the Langmuir-Blodgett deposition so that water can draw the particles into the holes in the template using capillary force, explains You-Yeon Won, an assistant professor of chemical engineering.
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The researchers have used the technique to create a "nearly perfect two-dimensional colloidal crystal," or a precisely ordered layer of particles, which is a critical step toward growing three- dimensional crystals for use in optical technologies.
"Making the first layer is very difficult, so we have taken an important step in the right direction," Won says. "Creating three- dimensional structures poses a big challenge, but I think it's feasible."
The single-layer structures might be used to form micro lenses to improve the performance of optical equipment, such as cameras and scientific instruments, or to control the color and other optical properties of materials for consumer products. More importantly, the technique could be used to create "omni-directional photonic band- gap materials," which would dramatically improve the performance of optical fibers, the researchers say. Omni-directional coatings would increase the amount of light transmitted by fiber-optics, and could possibly be used in future sensor technology and in optical computers and circuits that use light instead of electronic signals to process information.
The Purdue engineers are now investigating the creation of three- dimensional crystals from the two-dimensional structures. Currently, omni-directional materials are prohibitively expensive to manufacture.
A scanning electron microscopy photo shows a side-by-side comparison between Purdue's structure (right) and a structure that results when a template is not used. Photo courtesy of Y. Won and J. Hur.
Copyright American Institute of Chemical Engineers Jun 2008
(c) 2008 Chemical Engineering Progress. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.
Source: Chemical Engineering Progress
2008年7月24日 星期四
【SmartMoney紐約7月22日訊】2008-07-22 14:12:53
Eric J. Savitz
利用陽光發電的想法已經產生有一個世紀了,20世紀50年代貝爾實驗室開始開發太陽能電池板。然而真正將太陽能當成化石燃料有力的競爭者,不過是近幾年的事。目前太陽能發電僅佔全球用電的1%。吸引力就在這裡:這是一個將近1萬億美元的未開發市場。Collins Stewart太陽能分析師丹-賴斯(Dan Ries)表示:“我們投資太陽能的根本原因是,如果價格能夠降下來,需求將達到驚人的高度。如果太陽能發電的成本能夠低於替代燃料,需求將比現在的產能大100倍。”
轉折點將發生在達到“光伏發電平價上網”(Grid Parity)之時,即太陽能發電成本與化石燃料等傳統形式發電成本持平。現在還未達到,不過快了。在一些電力成本較高的市場,太陽能已經能夠形成成本相對較低的替代(比如8月中旬的夏威夷考艾島或7月驕陽似火的南加州)。最樂觀的看法是2010年能夠達到這一轉折點,現實一點的看法是2012年。化石燃料價格的變化也會產生巨大影響,如果煤炭和天然氣價格上升,“光伏發電平價上網”就容易達到一些。但是別忘了,太陽能不可能完全替代化石燃料,你不可能在晚上產生太陽能,而現在並無太好的儲存白天過剩能量的辦法。
全球兩個最大的太陽能市場是德國和西班牙,它們加起來佔全球太陽能裝置的66%。兩個國家都實行有利的“強制光伏上網電價”(feed-in tariff)政策。德國擁有全球最大的一些太陽能電池板公司,這得感謝德國納稅人的慷慨。
美林分析師馬克-赫勒(Mark Heller)在最近一份報告中警告說,太陽能狂熱有可能失控,2007年和2008年太陽能創業公司籌集的資金均超過1998年互聯網公司的投入。赫勒警告道:“現在存在一種風險,這些公司可能對太陽能的長期前景過於樂觀,而未能考慮中期可能存在的風險,即大量政府補貼未能刺激起對太陽能的需求、同時缺乏成本競爭力。”
這就使得MEMC Electronic Materials(WFR)和Wacker Chemie等聚乙烯生產商大賺特賺,並吸引了大量新的產商進來,比如韓國的DC Chemical,這家公司股價過去一年漲了三倍有餘。
【SmartMoney紐約7月22日訊】2008-07-22 14:12:53
Eric J. Savitz
利用陽光發電的想法已經產生有一個世紀了,20世紀50年代貝爾實驗室開始開發太陽能電池板。然而真正將太陽能當成化石燃料有力的競爭者,不過是近幾年的事。目前太陽能發電僅佔全球用電的1%。吸引力就在這裡:這是一個將近1萬億美元的未開發市場。Collins Stewart太陽能分析師丹-賴斯(Dan Ries)表示:“我們投資太陽能的根本原因是,如果價格能夠降下來,需求將達到驚人的高度。如果太陽能發電的成本能夠低於替代燃料,需求將比現在的產能大100倍。”
轉折點將發生在達到“光伏發電平價上網”(Grid Parity)之時,即太陽能發電成本與化石燃料等傳統形式發電成本持平。現在還未達到,不過快了。在一些電力成本較高的市場,太陽能已經能夠形成成本相對較低的替代(比如8月中旬的夏威夷考艾島或7月驕陽似火的南加州)。最樂觀的看法是2010年能夠達到這一轉折點,現實一點的看法是2012年。化石燃料價格的變化也會產生巨大影響,如果煤炭和天然氣價格上升,“光伏發電平價上網”就容易達到一些。但是別忘了,太陽能不可能完全替代化石燃料,你不可能在晚上產生太陽能,而現在並無太好的儲存白天過剩能量的辦法。
全球兩個最大的太陽能市場是德國和西班牙,它們加起來佔全球太陽能裝置的66%。兩個國家都實行有利的“強制光伏上網電價”(feed-in tariff)政策。德國擁有全球最大的一些太陽能電池板公司,這得感謝德國納稅人的慷慨。
美林分析師馬克-赫勒(Mark Heller)在最近一份報告中警告說,太陽能狂熱有可能失控,2007年和2008年太陽能創業公司籌集的資金均超過1998年互聯網公司的投入。赫勒警告道:“現在存在一種風險,這些公司可能對太陽能的長期前景過於樂觀,而未能考慮中期可能存在的風險,即大量政府補貼未能刺激起對太陽能的需求、同時缺乏成本競爭力。”
這就使得MEMC Electronic Materials(WFR)和Wacker Chemie等聚乙烯生產商大賺特賺,並吸引了大量新的產商進來,比如韓國的DC Chemical,這家公司股價過去一年漲了三倍有餘。
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